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Crate Training
Having your pet familiar with the shipping crate helps them travel. You want your pet to think of his crate as his favourite place to be.
Crate training is fun! It's a great time for you to connect with your pet(s)
Here are a few simple steps that might help your four legged friend:
1. Introduce the bottom piece of the crate only. Place their favourite things in it (blanket, toys and/or human). Make it a safe and comfortable place for them to chill. Give them plenty of treats, praise, kisses and feed them whenever they are inside or getting into the crate.
2. Once they are comfortable and ready to move onto the next step, add the top piece of the crate(without the gate). Give them plenty of treats, praise and kisses whenever they are willing to get inside the crate.
If they are unwilling to go in, resume to step 1 and encourage them.
3. After they have achieved step 3, it's time to introduce the gate. Always allow them to see you install the parts. Hold the door open, ask your pet to go into the crate, award them with plenty of treats, praise and kisses whenever they are willing to get inside the crate.
4. Once they are used to the gate, gently close the gate and give them treats through the gate and let them out immediately. Once they are comfortable having the gate closed, you can have some fun with them by leaving treats inside the crate and to leave the gate gently closed. See if they will get in by themselves ;)
5. Have fun!
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